Project Overview

Dana Khola Hydropower Project Overview:

  1. Project background and Development

Dana Khola Hydropower Project (DKHPP), located at Dana Khola in Manang district of Nepal, is a Run-of-River (RoR) type of hydropower project. The project is being developed by the Lalupate Hydropower Company Pvt. Ltd.

  1. Project Area

Dana Khola Hydropower Project (DKHPP) is in Dharapani and Thoche villages of Nashong Rural Municipality of Manang District in Gandaki Province of Nepal. The license boundary of the project is 840 21′ 39″ E to 840 24′ 20″ E longitudes and 280 30′ 00″ N to 280 31′ 18″ N latitudes. The majority of catchment of the DKHPP lies above the permanent snowline so that there is significant contribution of snowmelts in flow.

The project area is situated about 221.6 km west from Kathmandu. The project is accessible from Besisahar-Manang Highway. The site can be reached in 3.0 hours by Jeep from Besisahar, Lamjung. At present, there is an existing road up to Dharapani village. The nearest airport is Manang airport.

  1. Catchment and Hydrology

The Dana River that lies in the Manang district of Gandaki Province and is a tributary of Marsyangdi River. The river originates at an elevation of 8163 masl (Mt. Manaslu) having catchment area 116.02 km2 above intake.  The hydrological study of the project indicates that the design discharge of 6.03 m3/sec at Q40% taken for power generation. The spot measurements and Automatic Gauge reading and annual hydrograph shows discharge sufficiency for power generation.

  1. Geological & Geotechnical Study 

Geologically, Dana Khola Hydropower Project is in the Higher Himalayan Sequence consisting of the high-grade metamorphic rocks. The predominant rock type of the project area is composed of  massive, thickly banded Calcareous Gneiss on Headrace tunnel and Penstock Tunnel alignments

For the further assurance of the geology,  geophysical investigations like ERT and Drilling been carried out at verious locations of surface and underground structures.

  1. Project Layout and Design 

It’s a complete Underground Project from Intake to Tailrace. The main components of the project are headworks, Tunnel intake, gravel trap, underground desander, headrace tunnel, surge tunnel, penstock shafts , underground powerhouse and switchyard, tailrace tunnel, and 220 kV transmission/interconnection facilities.

The power from the project will be transmitted to 220 kV NEA Dharapani substation through a 5.5km long 220 kV single circuit transmission line and evacuated through Marsyangdi Corridor.

  1. Infrastructure Facilities  

Project will have total 5km long connecting roads to project components from proposed 12km long Dona Local Road under-construction from Nason Rural Municipality. The Project shall contribute for the upgradation, improvements and maintainace of the road for project construction period.

The Project shall have Camp Facilities, Godown/Store, Arny Camp, 5km long Construction Power line from 33kV line, backup power and comminication facilities for construction and poject operation period.

  1. Power and Energy  

The contract energy  from Dana Khola Hydropower Project for 49.95 MW installed capacity is 300.872 GWh. Out of which, wet saleable energy is 208.38 GWh and Dry Energy (Mangsir 15-Jestha 15) is 92.485 GWh.

Salient Features

Project Location and Accessibility:

The project site is accessible from Besisahar-Manang Highway on Manang district and reachable all weather by 2.5 hours’ drive from Besishahar.

S.N. From To Distance (km)
1 Kathmandu Mugling 111
2 Mugling Dumre 25
3 Dumre Besisahar, Lamjung 43
4 Besisahar Karte, Dharapani 42.6
Total Distance= 221.6 km